Welcome to the Ancientsites Alliance Webring! If your site was originally a family or group on AS, if it is a new home for your individual character, or your site was originally on Ancientsites' webspace, then you are eligible to join the Ancientsites Alliance Webring!
You may rearrange the ring membership card, as long as you keep all the links that are on it, to suit your site more. Just make sure that it is still recognisable as the ASA ring, and that you keep all the site ID and stuff like that in the HTML.
PLEASE NOTE: For the Ring to work properly, you need to change the site ID number to the right number for your site. Your site ID gets emailed to you with the HTML for the ring. Read through the HTML, and where ever you see "id=0" change it to "id=x" depending on what yours is.
Membership Guidelines for the Ancientsites Alliance Ring NetRing
2)For the moment, the ring is only open to sites that are originally from Ancientsites. This includes family and/or group webpages, or the homesites of individuals.