Who can join the mailing list?
Anyone can! To join, you will have to have signed up with Yahoo! but all you have to do to join is when you click on the 'Join this group' link on the ASA list page, just follow the 'sign up now' link and follow the instructions, or if you have already joined Yahoo! then just sign in.
How do I join the mailing list?
Near the top right corner of the list page at Yahoo! there is a link that says 'Join This Group!' Just follow it. Sign in or join Yahoo!Groups if you need to, then fill in the form and follow the instructions!
How do I post something to the list?
Simply send an email to asalliance@yahoogroups.com". Just remember that anything that you post will be sent to everybody that has joined the list.
What can be posted to the list?
Only things that are relevant to the ASA. Thea and Proserpina use the list to post updates on the site. We prefer that anything that is posted by others is site related, and it MUST follow the ASA Code of Conduct. You can be warned or removed from the list if something you post is seriously in breach of the code.
I have a Question that isn't answered here
Have a question that isn't answered here? Email Thea at thea@snoopypost.com or Proserpina at proserpinacurius@yahoo.com and we will do our best to help!